please send an email to if you missed out and would like me to organise another evening.

Ageing Upwards Book Launch Event Wassenaar

Tuesday the 23rd of May 2023 at 19.30-21.30

Congratulations! You have been given about 20 more years to live than your grandparents. How are you going to make the most of them?

Local author and mindfulness teacher Berit Lewis invites you to an inspiring evening. Based on her research and experience into mindfulness and ageing, she will talk about how to grow older rather than just getting older.



19.30 Welcome
19.40 Presentation
20.40 Guided meditation
21.00 Drinks, Q & A

Price: €12 – includes a drink (please pay in advance via the tikkie below.

Signed copies of the book available at 25% discount

Sign up Ageing Upwards Launch Wassenaar

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The price of the event is €12 Euros. Please pay by using this Tikkie QR code in advance of the event. Thank you.