Preparing for Retirement – an alternative retirement course in the age of longevity

With the longevity revolution comes new ways of living and ageing. People in their 50-75s no longer live the lives their parents or grandparents did. They are pioneers and can define a whole new phase of mature, active adulthood. This course is an invitation to step out of automatic pilot – and rethink what this phase could be like to you.

Based on my research into ageing and vitality, I am offering an alternative retirement course, which focuses on mental resilience. I teach 5 inner skills to cultivate for outer change. They allow the participants to see any limiting thoughts and beliefs they might have and take responsibility for our own retirement, life and ageing process. They also help embrace the challenges and see the opportunities that come with age and transitions.

Can be done virtual or face-to-face
Homework / reflection / meditation practices to be expected between the modules
Participants will be paired up with sparring-buddies

Contact Berit to hear more about the course

“Because retirement doesn´t mean I am retiring from having a purpose”