Local Regular Mindfulness Practice
Together with Tribes I offer regular mindfulness practice classes in Warenar, Wassenaar every Wednesday night at 20.15-21.15. The classes offer an opportunity to explore what mindfulness is through practical experience. They consist of a mixture of guided meditations while moving (gently), sitting, lying, or walking, as well as simple mindfulness practices that you can continue to use in your daily life.Try it out by registering here: https://yourtribes.nl/new-to-the-studio/
For €15 you not only get to try out my classes, but you can also try out the other english speaking yoga and dance classes at Tribes in Wassenaar and Leiden. Check out the schedule here: https://yourtribes.nl/classes/schedule/
Mindfulness Practice in Organisations
If you would like me to guide regular mindfulness practices in your organisation (online or face-to-face) please contact me at berit@thrivinglife.eu