Mindfulness Packages for Organisations

Mindfulness is a sustainable and cost efficient way to bring mental well-being and resilience to your employees. In our experience the most successful way to offer mindfulness in an organisation is bottom-up and in waves. Each wave consist of an introduction followed by the opportunity to join 8 week courses. This way, word of mouth spreads and more and more people develop an interest. At some point, a critical mass of the employees will have been through the program gradually spreading openness, compassion and resilience to the whole of the organisation. We call this method the Inner Workplace Transition.

If there is not a budget for this, we can also offer The Employee Well-being Facilitator package, where the company only invest in an introduction and provide the physical space at work for the 8 week course. This is a great way to encourage and offer employees the opportunity to learn the skills of self-care and management.

Or you can just start of with an introduction, and see is there is an interest for more. The packages can be adjusted to various of schedules (ie. intensive day-courses or weekly sessions) and can be offered online, in-person or hybrid.

What others say

Berit and Tuire came to our office to introduce us to mindfulness. This moving intro inspired more than half of the participants to sign up for the eight-week MBSR course given by Berit.

The main goal was to learn how we can use mindfulness to channel stress and anxiety. We wanted to know how to improve our general well-being and how we could further facilitate a supportive, creative and productive work environment.
Berit is knowledgeable and experienced in the area of mindfulness. By providing us with a good mix of background information and practical exercises, Berit made us aware of the connection between mind and body. We also appreciated that she showed us how to bring mindfulness into our day-to-day lives.
Berit created a safe environment in which people were sharing personal experiences. Berit adjusted to the needs of the group or individual participants without losing track of the overall learning goals.
Here are some quotes inspired by the course:
“Berit gave me interesting insights into my life, and I already started to make changes.”
“I learnt some practical examples of how to deal with difficult times in life.”
“My favourite quote from the course was: We’re human beings, not human doings.”
In summary, the course was a success for our organisation. This was a good first dive into the world of mindfulness, and we are planning to continue our relationship with Thriving Life.


Review of workshops and MBSR courses spring 2019