Ageing Upwards – The Book
A mindfulness-based approach to the longevity revolution
Congratulations! You have been given about 20 more years to live than your grandparents. How are you going to make the most of them?
Berit Lewis shows that the story we so often tell ourselves about ageing – that it’s all downhill from 50 – is simply wrong. In fact, research reveals we are at our happiest aged 80! Combining her extensive experience in teaching mindfulness with her knowledge of how to live and age well, she reveals a simple framework that can help you make the most out of those extra years of living. Rather than wait for society to solve the challenges of longevity, she invites us to explore what each of us can do to take responsibility for our own life and ageing process.
Ageing Upwards will help you navigate life after 50 with acceptance, self-compassion and mental flexibility. It’s also invaluable to leaders who wants overcome unconscious beliefs, limitations and discriminations related to age to create more diverse organizations.
The book launched April 25, 2023 through Practical Inspiration Publishing, UK. There are a few options for buying the book on this link; https://mybook.to/AgeingUpwards or ask at your local bookstore
Access the guided meditations as linked from the book
See the framework for embracing ageing
Join the next Ageing Upwards course

Ageing Upwards – A 6 weeks online course
This is a 6 weeks online course using the framework from the book Ageing Upwards. The course is for people of any age, as the skills you learn are mindfulness based lifeskills that can be applied to any situation or challenges you might face in life.
Featured Talk:
Ending Generational Stereotypes
The mindful way to inclusion
Are you a boomer or zoomer? We all love to make sense of a complicated world by placing ourselves and others into boxes. But stereotyping of any kind hinders corporation and innovation in organizations and limits the well-being and potential of the individual. The solution? It starts with awareness and ends with re-wiring our inner patterns of thoughts.
Ideal for:
- Organisations challenged by coorporation across ages.
- Organisations facing the changing demographics.
- Teams looking to build stronger relationships focusing on we rather than me.
- Anyone looking to stop internalised stereotypes limitting them.
- Anyone wanting to support a more inclusive and compassionate work-environment.

Endorsements for Ageing Upwards
In recent years, the idea of ‘healthy ageing for all’ has been a central strategy in addressing the consequences of our ageing societies. Unfortunately, healthy ageing is only attainable for the lucky few, since most older people experience functional decline or morbidity at some point in their lives. A more realistic strategy is to inspire and coach older people to actively negotiate the challenges of ageing by setting ambitions and achieving appropriate goals. This is exactly what Berit Lewis does in her book ‘Ageing Upwards’. By taking on an approach based on the principles of mindfulness, she shows us how to actively embrace growing old.
I was completely absorbed in this book. Berit´s clear, engaging voice makes this easy to assimilate. The advice seems simple, paradoxically almost obvious but has never occurred to me before. This was a compelling read. Loved the stories and the summaries (milestones through the map) The reframing of the inevitability of aging, into awareness of a journey where we have choice was powerful, comforting and energising. I turned 50 last year so this doesn’t call to me, it shouts!
Thank you, Berit, for allowing me to be one of the first to read Ageing Upwards! Turning ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) into PETs (positive enhancing thoughts) is just one of the gems of practical tips that make this book a delight to read. Embracing the practicalities of getting older instead of complaining about them, proactively teaching our minds to reframe situations so that we grow wiser from them instead of letting them drag us down – this book provides the reader with useful tools that will enable them to move through life (more) happily.
Berit is a Mindfulness coach, mother, adventurer and student who combines her interpretation of traditional secular Buddhist teachings with today’s challenges and academic insights in this book. It is easy-to-read, yet filled with scientifically proven findings that are translated into practical steps that anyone can follow. I do not hesitate in recommending this book to anyone who is looking to go through life thriving. Regardless of biological age, any person who has developed the maturity and interest to investigate the meaning of life will enjoy this book.
On a societal level, I would recommend this book as compulsory reading material for my colleague health care professionals. Our health care systems are struggling with fighting illnesses because we are not helping people enough to develop coping skills that could prevent many of these illnesses in the first place. Ageing Upwards can provide a useful supplement to healthcare interventions.
I love how this book is the antidote to all the anti-ageing messaging we’re bombarded with. Particularly women. I’m also a big fan of the practical and mindful approach. Well done, Berit, this book is so thought provoking and gives us all a great path to follow.
Once we realize that our thoughts and emotions are as independent of one another as they are intertwined, we can willingly choose to separate them and pay more attention to what it is we want, rather than what it is that has happened to us. Old age, being the burdened topic of modern societies, is an excellent reason to explore mindfulness as a tool for greater contentment. Berit has done an excellent job at resourcing and providing all the necessary skills for ageing with more awareness, acceptance and self-compassion.
Ageing Upwards is like a ‘Rough Guide’ to the most important longevity revolution of our time! As we are all living longer, there is a greater need to be able to navigate the 3rd or even 4th stages of our lives in a way where we can continue to thrive and flourish. Berit’s mindfulness-based approaches in this book offer information, ideas, structure and practice that can be easily adopted to really embrace aging in a positive way with responsibility and choice.
But this book should not just be read as you start to think about aging; this is an essential handbook in mid-life (or even younger). As a leadership coach I see the constant pressures of complexity and uncertainty in our world impacting the demands, stresses and performance of leaders and their employees. Knowing oneself, conscious cultivation of our strengths, setting goals and ambitions, living and leading into our values, reframing negative thoughts and having a growth mindset are all trademarks of compassionate leadership and thriving organisations. Aging Upwards considers all these aspects as a key part of mindfulness-based living and ageing. This book is thus an essential companion for all leaders and professionals and for anyone who wants to be able to create connection and engagement and make an impact on healthier workplaces.
This is a great handbook written with a depth of research, real examples, stories and practices (including links to mindfulness recordings). It is a book I will keep returning to, in supporting the leaders I work with as a coach and for my own acceptance, perspective and embracing of my own ageing.
This book is a must-read for those wishing to remain mentally vital as they age. Berit artfully combines her vast (mindfulness) experience with her recent research to provide a practical path towards resilience, full of wisdom and understanding. Mental vitality is crucial as a basis for ageing upwards and reducing our healthcare burden, next to nutrition and physical activity.
One of the greatest transformations in human history is occurring right now, yet few even know about it. With Ageing Upwards, Berit Lewis will give you awareness about this transformation and the incredible life opportunities that await you. This new reality of ageing dramatically rewrites our Life Map by adding a new phase of healthy, active, relevant and even profitable life. With this book Berit will provide you with the awareness, mindsets and practices you will need to reimagine your own life map and make the years ahead your very best.
As someone approaching the expected retirement age, and someone who wants to make the very most of the years ahead, I read this book with hope and interest.
Berit has written a useful and positive book. She presents a credible argument for the huge benefits of mindfulness She has robustly curated relevant research to demonstrate the benefits of the book’s approaches and suggestions to help age upwards.
Berit has the gift of being able to explain intangible concepts and to then offer practical, easy to apply ways to enable the reader to take helpful actions.
I particular found useful the chapter summaries and the embrace model. There is also the opportunity to practice and develop the skills she shares in the book through activities and guided meditation practices.
I noticed that after I read the book I felt mentally more positive. This was an unexpected benefit that demonstrates the power of Berit’s book.